Give a free gift or customized items
Customer service has been around for years and not only do businesses benefit from great customer service, but customers do also. So, our first thought was to go local and get personal. When we first started, we allowed customization gifts with our photography. We asked our customers what they would enjoy most with their packages and we delivered. This is a great strategy because it shows a that a business is considerate of their target audience. Depending on your business, this can be something as simple as engraving a name or offering a free gift with their purchase.
Be engaging
This one seems like a common idea, right? Well, there are different ways to be engaging. Especially, in our technology-driven world with social media platforms. Go beyond the “comment for comment” method and create opportunities to engage your target audience. We used our social platforms to do a contest for photography classes, or package giveaways. Once again, when it comes to your brand there are several ways to engage that are not the norm. If you’re able to offer free products or apparel, that a step in the right direction for out of the box marketing. Be sure to add your engagement post to all of your social media profile and your website.
Be grateful through a newsletter
With customers is it hard to succeed in any business. We started building our email list and expressed our gratitude for those that spread the word and worked with us. Newsletters are an excellent way to stay connected and create new profit avenues. Saying “Thank You,” through an email and a card with purchase can make your customer’s day. You never know how you can brighten up their day by having gratitude for their business, trust, and loyalty. But what about going beyond a thank you newsletter? Something rarely thought of? Offer your new line as an exclusive, offer super discounts that exceed beyond 25% off, do a trade show and offer what you can. Get the customers excited that they are your customers.
VIP program
Don’t wait until you hit 1000 customers. Go ahead and start a loyalty membership for those that are working with you now. This can offer a magnitude of ideas for what you can offer your customers. They can get exclusive items with every purchase. We decided to offer chestnut and golden finished frames. For instance, if you have a clothing business, you can give reward points every time a customer purchase from your store.
Broadcasting on Linkedin
We have discovered that many businesses and brands skip over Linkedin. This could be because it is viewed as a personal, find me to work with your platform. But it is much bigger than that. You are able to connect with potential clients because they can become followers of your business. Post articles, repost articles, stay connected or make connections with those, not in your niche, but have expertise near your niche. Once you connect your area, you can create groups of others that are local to promote to or help you promote.
Facebook host a post
A surprising, amazing marketing tool. Reach out to those that believe in your business and are not afraid to help spread the word. Facebook is the best for this because it can reach masses and with the right hashtag, can reach millions. Ask a friend to share a post from your blog, your portfolio, saying that you’re looking for models or your outfit. However, you can think to reach others, create that post to allow others to share.
In conclusion
There are many ways to think outside of the box for marketing your business. The ways listed above have helped Tana Ava Taylor Adoption exceed our business plan expectation. We live in a world that is driven by highlights more so than lowlights, but the key is to work toward your highlight so that you can also spread the knowledge that you’ve implemented to your business like Rose and I are doing.