Emotions can make people react in a certain manner

1. Promise People Happiness
Your focus in your marketing efforts should be on how your products or services make customers happy. Every brand that is associated with laughing, joy, smiling or positivity is capable of triggering customers to not only buy or subscribe to it but also share with other people. For instance, despite that Coca-Cola changed its slogan from ‘open Happiness’ to ‘taste the feeling’ in the year 2016, they maintained their ads effect to portray people’s connection and building bonds between them. Why won’t a consumer buy the product if it will make him and the family happy?
2. Create A Sad Story
Those ads that portray sadness are very useful for evoking empathy and compassion to people. According to Chrissy Weems, sad ads work well when you are trying to create awareness of social issues. For instance, when trying to get donations to support orphans in a certain area, you can have images of children suffering from malnutrition or a video of a child giving a life-story on how she got married away because she didn’t have parents or didn’t have money to pay school fees. You can also use sad ads to promote your brand showing people how lack of your product is affecting their daily life.
3. Arouse Fear With Your Ad
Fear is one of the emotions that will deter people from using something or encourage people to use something else for survival. Chrissy Weems says that fear prompts a person to act in urgency and therefore will be great for your marketing. For instance, it can be an advert on why you need to encourage buckling up whenever in a car. In this case, show videos of people who died in a car accident simply because they didn’t buckle up. You can use animated movements to make sure the effects are effectively absorbed.
4. Stimulate Anger Or Disguise
A marketing tactic that stimulates anger in people will make them act accordingly. Some of the things that make people angry are injustices, and that’s why politicians and activists focus on stirring anger and therefore make them act against unwanted policy. Your marketing efforts should involve enlightening on the negative impacts of a certain law, policy or even a new product. This will make people protest against such things, and if it involves voting, they will vote against it because they do not want the impacts to manifest in their lives.
It doesn’t matter whether yours is a product, service or a social issue that you are marketing, but if you can provoke these four emotions in people, you will likely get great results.